Welcome to my portfolio website. Happy to have you here!


About Me

Hi there! My name is Kamal. I’m a data scientist with a degree in Agricultural and Biosystems engineering obtained from University of Ilorin, Nigeria. My career life and skillset journey has majorly revolved around analytic and engineering roles across multiple industries, self development tutorials and trainings. One interesting fact about data most businesses these days is that there are problems to tackle and it is satisfying to realize that I enjoy tackling these problems with elegant solutions and ideas while constantly assiting myself in the buildup towards required skills. Creating meaningful insights and making solutions that are data driven has always been my watch word, focus and main agenda in this inudstry. I love to play around python codes and also, use them to automate some of the monotomous and recurring tasks that are equally encountered in the field of data processing, especially, web scraping, data transformation and exploration. Finding the most elegant way to write a line of code or figuring out which chord fits best into a progression, I get comfortably along with that. This is why I love coding. The satisfaction that comes from finding that one algorithm that works is also intrguing and soothing. Having to solve data related problems and creating an insightful solution is number one on my list. Some of the other activities I partake in are playing game, listening to music and analysing politics. This website is a collection of my work and interests; if any of those projects intrigue you, do not hesitate to reach out. You can check out my GitHub repository for projects I’ve worked on. You can also reach me on LinkedIn or send me an email if you want to discuss job opportunities and/or collaborations with me. Thank you for visiting my webpage!

Analytics Skills

  • Data Management
  • Data Wrangling
  • Data Visualization
  • Data Storytelling
  • Feature Engineering

Data Science Skills

  • Deep Learning
  • Tensorflow and Keras
  • Cloud Computing
  • Big Data
  • Machine Learning Algorithms



Comparative analysis

Analytics and BI June 07, 2020

Sales Forecast of Store Items

Analytics August 05, 2020

Data Line

Machine Learning August 25, 2020

Customer Attrition

Machine Learning August 29, 2020

Diabetes Prediction

Machine Learning November 25, 2020

Loan App Eligibility

Machine Learning December 10, 2020

Contact Me

Contact Form


26, Ogunlana Street, Ketu-Ikosi, Lagos State


+234 81 46712376

Email Address